
Quickly translate menus in Ektron

When translating your website into other languages you may find that it is fairly time consuming process!  There are a number of things you can do to speed it up.  This tip will concentrate on translating your menus into other languages.

With the workarea open, go to the Content section and click on Menus.  Select the “Menus” root node in the tree view.  On the toolbar you will see an option that says “Export for Translation”.  If you click this icon the CMS will take you to a screen where you can choose to export the menu to a number of languages.  You will only see a language option if that language has been enabled in the workarea.

You can now go ahead and re-import the menu straight away or have the resulting XLIFF file sent to a translation house.  To import an XLIFF file back into the CMS, go to Settings > Import XLIFF Files.

Once the import is complete you can edit the menus to set the multi-lingual content.